Some Humble Updates
February is bringing some new changes to the Humble Bundle. Debuting today is a new, upgraded, and simplified version of Humble Choice that allows users to join using only one subscription choice. An announcement today provides more details about the changes to Humble Choice. In addition, the announcement also reveals the Humble Choice games line-up as well as February’s Featured Charity.
For those unaware, Humble Choice is Humble Bundle’s take on a subscription for PC gamers. Specifically, gamers pay a subscription fee and gain access to ten games a month from a pre-made list of games. Now, the subscription is no longer a choice of different subscription tiers. With the announcement, February’s Humble Choice games list is also available. The Humble Choice Bundle even includes Borderlands 3 and the Director’s Cut DLC. Now the Humble Choice Bundle subscription is $11.99.
In addition to the Humble Choice Bundle subscribers also gain access to the newly debuted Humble Games Collection. The Collection is an ever-growing library of games available to Humble Choice members. The collection features a list of past favorites all available through the Humble App for PC. The collection grows every month and February’s collection additions see games such as Wizard of Legend and Void Bastards arrive to the collection.
Of course Humble Choice donates some of its revenue to charity every month. In fact throughout the month of February Humble Choice is giving five percent of Humble Choice profits to charity. February’s Charity is the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF). The LDF is an organization that pursues and protects people’s civil rights, aims to uphold democracy, and promotes educational equality.
The Humble Choice Bundle currently costs at $11.99. For more information about the bundle, as well as the opportunity to view the games on offer, visit here.
SOURCE: Press Release