New Genshin Impact Leak Gives Release Dates For Inazuma and Dendro

Apparently, Weโ€™ll Head to Inazuma Long Before We Get to Play a Dendro Character

The curse of popularity is that people wonโ€™t stop trying to dig up dirt on you. You could make a decent argument that itโ€™s worse when a video game is involved, because people can and will datamine the hell out of your code. Todayโ€™s Genshin Impact update is that leakers have given us a potential timeline of future updates. It looks pretty solid so far, but donโ€™t take our word for itโ€“give it a read yourself. Come on, itโ€™ll be fun. Nothing beats getting your grubby little hands on information you arenโ€™t supposed to see, after all.

Genshin Impact Baizhu

Weโ€™re currently on Update 1.4 with 1.5 probably scheduled for the end of April, where it will likely bring new characters Eula and Yanfei to the game. But what about Baizhu and Yaoyao, the only confirmed Dendro character and the one most likely to follow in his footsteps? According to this new leak, courtesy of Wangsheng Funeral ParlorDendro will be coming at the same time as the Chasm. In fact, the two may well be linked. Either way, we can probably expect Dendro to become playable in Update 2.0. Fingers crossed that Baizhu gets to be on the first Banner.

Okay, so thatโ€™s pretty awesome to hear about, but this only covers Dendro. What about the upcoming region Inazuma? Where is it on the schedule? Well, itโ€™s definitely not coming in Update 1.5, sadly. The leaker suggests it will make an appearance in either 1.6, 1.7, or 1.8. Reportedly, the first two Banners arriving in the Inazuma update will contain Kazuha and Yoimiya. They also speculate that Update 1.6 will add Inazumaโ€™s two islands to the game, with Inazuma City arriving in 1.7. Sounds reasonable to us.

Genshin Impact Scaramouche

What are you most excited to see, Dendro or Inazuma? Let us know down in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.