The Wonderful 101: Remastered Adds Hideki Kamiya As Playable Character

Play As the Game’s Director Himself

Over the last two months, PlatinumGames has been updating The Wondeful 101 Remastered with new cheat codes, adding in extra characters for players to enjoy. The latest character to be added into the game is none other than the game’s director, Hideki Kamiya himself.

The new code was posted to the game’s community page on Steam yesterday with the message:

“It’s time for the final Wonderful Code! “PLATINUMFOREVER” adds luminary director Hideki Kamiya himself to the game! Try out this code now and discover Wonder-Director’s Unite Morph:”

The code adds the following items:

  • Wonder-Director – the character based on Hideki Kamiya
  • Unite Morphs
    “Unite Goggles”
    “Platinum Forever”
    “Wonderful Forever”
  • Custom Block
    “Infinite Energy”

All you have to do to redeem the cheat code is to go into the game’s menu and find the “Wonderful Code” option. From there enter in the code and you are good to go!

The Wonderful 101 Remastered is a port of the 2013 Wii U exclusive title. The game say an incredibly successful fundraising last early last year before releasing in the summer. Since then PlatinumGames has added a variety of content through their new cheat code system, with one of the most notable additions being Wonder Bayonetta!

Here is a list of all of the cheat codes announced so far and what they add:

Unlocks “Wonder-Bayonetta”
Unlocks Unite Morph “Unite Gun”

Unlocks “Wonder-Jeanne” and “Wonder-Rodin”
Unlocks Unite Morph “Unite Hammer”

Unlocks “Wonder-Captain”, “Wonder-Scarf”, and “Wonder-Gramps”
Unlocks Unite Morph “Unite Whip”, “Unite Bomb”, and “Unite Drill”

Unlocks “Prince Vorkken”, “Chewgi”, and “Immorta”
Unlocks Unify Morph “Unify Boomerang”, “Unify Naginata”, and Unite Morph “Unite Bowgun”

Unlocks “Wonder Red (Emeritus)”, “Wonder-Future”, and “Wonder-Daddy”
Unlocks Unite Morph “Unite Claw”

Unlocks “Poseman”
Unlocks Unite Morph “Unite Big”, “Unite Cannon”, and “Unite Launcher”

Unlocks “Wonder-Director”
Unlocks Unite Morph “Unite Goggles”, “Platinum Forever”, and “Wonderful Forever”
Unlocks Custom Block “Infinite Energy”