NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… is Looking Stylish in This New Gameplay Trailer

A World of Grim Beauty and Melancholy Grandeur

The remaster of NieR Replicant is finally making its way to English audiences, and we gotta say, it’s looking pretty excellent so far. The latest gameplay trailer follows the protagonist and Kainé as they venture into the Barren Temple, a huge and gorgeously-rendered city build into the side of a cliff which gives us big Breath of the Wild vibes. Between the mournful music, fun banter, and fascinating peek into exploration and combat, it’s a video you shouldn’t miss.

So, what’s the big deal about NieR Replicant? Is it a new game? An old game? Here’s the rundown for those of you who aren’t familiar with Yoko Taro’s Japan-exclusive works: the original NieR was released in two versions, NieR Gestalt–the one we got in English, focusing on a big, gruff dad trying to save his daughter–and NieR Replicant, which replaced the big dad with a frail teenager trying to save his younger sister. Square Enix decided that western audiences would probably have an easier time relating to the dad and only released Gestalt in English, but Replicant has always been the official version of events, which has left many people very frustrated about not being able to play the NieR timeline as intended.

It’s us. We’re people.

NieR Replicant acts as the prequel to the incredibly popular NieR: Automata. Players take on the role of a young man on a quest to cure his younger sister’s deadly disease–a journey that will lead him deep into darkness and despair. If you’re familiar with NieR: Automata, you can probably guess what kind of themes this game covers, but in case you aren’t, let’s make one thing clear: NieR Replicant is not a happy story. That won’t stop us from enjoying it, though.

Make us cry, Yoko Taro.

NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… will be available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on April 23rd, 2021.

Have you ever cried over a video game? Let us know down in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.