Double Fine’s RAD – Welcome to a World Twice Destroyed

Randomly Generated and Biologically Corrupted

Double Fine’s RAD saw its reveal trailer on March 20th. A couple of days ago at PAX East, fans got their first opportunity to give it a test drive for themselves. Since then, quite a bit of information regarding what kind of game it is has arisen. RAD is a pseudo-top-down action game where the player journeys across the wasteland of a world in search of mutants to beat down. RAD is not just a way of describing the game, it also refers to the radiation that the player will be affected by, which in turn affects the gameplay.

Double Fine's RAD

The player’s weapon of choice is his trusty baseball bat. As they pummel mutants into the afterworld, the player absorbs radiation. Becoming irradiated affects the player differently each time they play. They might get a cobra head one time, and at another time sprout a mutant buddy on their shoulder. If you are familiar with Enter the Gungeon, imagine a game like that, but instead of random guns you get random mutations. The game is split up into three different areas, each with two levels. Each level concludes with a randomly selected boss at the end.

The trailer mentions the game taking place in “a world twice destroyed”. This means that there have been two world-ending disasters the player finds themselves in. It’s a wonder how they managed to keep their human form for this long. As of right now, RAD has no release date set in stone, but is aiming for a Summer 2019 release. It will launch on PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.

Will you be giving RAD a try? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Destructoid and YouTube