Spin Resident Evil 1 and 2 Like a Record

Because they are records

Resident Evil 2 Remake has been successful โ€“ and soon you can have the spooky tunes of both Resident Evil 1 and 2 in your home without having to run your console.

The team at Laced Records, who have published the vinyl soundtracks for Hotline Miami, DOOM and Absolver among others, announced today theyโ€™ve partnered with Capcom to offer up official versions of the Resident Evil 1 and 2 soundtracks for fans. Each soundtrack will feature the full tracklist from each game, so you can set up your own creepy atmosphere for whatever reasons you like.

Picture above are the standard editions of both soundtracks, but limited edition coloured vinyls will also be available โ€“ and it doesnโ€™t matter which set you pick, theyโ€™re all $35USD and available for preorder now. on Lacedโ€™s website.

Iโ€™m not a big fan of the Resident Evil series myself (no spooky games for me!) but I am collector of video game soundtracks on vinyl. The only one I have from Laced right now is the Hotline Miami soundtrack, and I can tell you that the quality is fantastic. I feel like the VGM vinyl โ€œboomโ€ has slowed considerably in the past two years, but I keep my fingers crossed that maybe some other publishers will get into vinyl partnerships (cโ€™mon Nintendo, I need a big Zelda vinyl set!!)

Any particular records youโ€™d like? Any that you already own that you love? Share with us!