The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Launching on June 4th

The Elder Scrolls Online Is Heading to Elsweyr

A new The Elder Scrolls Online expansion pack set in the Khajiit homeland of Elsweyr will launch on June 4th for the Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Mac, Bethesda announced on Tuesday. The expansion will include dragons, a Necromancer class, and will be part of the gameโ€™s Season of the Dragon questline.

Hereโ€™s a full list of the upcoming expansionโ€™s features, per a press release:

  • A gigantic new zone, Elsweyr, similar in size and scope to last yearโ€™s Summerset zone
  • An epic main story quest line with around 30 hours of new adventures that ties into the Season of the Dragon, plus tons of new side quests and exploration
  • A powerful new Class: The Necromancer, the most requested addition from the community
  • A challenging new 12-player Trial: Sunspire
  • Colossal new World Events: Dragon Attacks
  • A vast amount of unique Delves, Public Dungeons, and stand-alone quests, as well as a host of updates and quality-of-life improvements

The Elder Scrolls Online

Additionally, new players will be able to play the expansion pack right away while experienced players will be able to bring their character to Elsweyr. Those The Elder Scrolls Online veterans will also be able to start the pack as a Necromancer.

Pre-ordering this expansion pack will give the buyer access to the base game and the two other expansions that were set in Summerset and Morrowind, according to the press release.

What do you think of this news? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Source: Press release