The Latest Red Dead Online Beta Update Aims to Improve Gun Rush Mode

The Red Dead Online Beta Gets a New Update

A Friday update for the Read Dead Online betaโ€™s Gun Rush mode, a 32-player battle royale mode, aims to bring some โ€œshort-termโ€ improvements to Gun Rushโ€™s matchmaking.

Red Dead Online

โ€œFollowing the launch of the new Gun Rush mode, we identified a few matchmaking issues, some of which we have addressed with short-term improvements and all of which we are working towards more permanent and proper fixes for in the longer term,โ€ Rockstar said. โ€œThe minor improvements should help generate fuller lobbies and we will add more fixes in upcoming title updates.โ€

Rockstar also announced a bonus of five Gold Bars for those who play the Red Dead Online beta between January 25th and January 27th. This bonus will be awarded to those players on January 29th.

Another major Red Dead Online beta title update is launching later this year and weโ€™ve detailed some of the upcoming changes that this update will bring in a previous article.

What do you think of this news? Whatโ€™s your opinion of the Red Dead Online beta so far? Do you like its Gun Rush mode? Let us know your thoughts about the beta in the comments section below the article.