Dishonored 2 & Death of the Outsider Get Some New Free Content

Bet You Weren’t Expecting This Sort of Dishonored News in 2018

Dishonored fans rejoice! New, free content for Dishonored 2 and last year’s standalone entry, Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, dropped on Thursday. This content includes a new mission mode, a black & white visual filter, and more.


In order to obtain this free content, you’ll have to log onto a account and own at least one of these games. Here’s a detailed rundown of the new mission mode and filter:

  • Mission+
    Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.
  • Black and White
    Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.

Also, if you play Dishonored 2 after logging onto the account, you’ll obtain the Imperial Assassin’s Pack which includes two bone charms, 500 coins, an in-game guitar to interact with, and an in-game book.

If you’re interested in Dishonored 2 then you can read our review here. We also have a review for Death of the Outsider.

Now what does all this free content mean for the future of the series? Likely nothing since it sounds like the franchise is going to be taking a break for a while. But hey, free stuff!

Let us know what you think of this news in the comments section below.