Pirates Increase Video Game Sales, According to EU Commission

So Long as the Game Is Not Terrible

This report has been around for a while, but it was not published until recently. According to the EU Commission report on the effects of piracy, illegal downloads actually benefit video game distributors.

We even have the numbers. According to the report, piracy increases video game sales by 24%. Thus, publishers in the EU can probably thank illegal users for their additional quarter of profits.

As for how the act of pirating can lead to positive game sales, the EU Commission had a rather solid explanation:

“For games, the estimated effect of illegal online transactions on sales is positive – implying that illegal consumption leads to increased legal consumption. This positive effect of illegal downloads and streams on the sales of games may be explained by the industry being successful in converting illegal users to paying users. Tactics used by the industry include, for example, offering gameplay with extra bonuses or extra levels if consumers pay.”

If publishers really want to stop consumers from illegally downloading games, they employ anti-tamper tech like Denuvo. But, that’s also how they lose sales. Turns out, gamers just want to experience a game before buying it and Denuvo blocks exactly that. Therefore, there’s no positive word of mouth. And if there’s one true beneficiary in that, it’s the publishers who distribute bad games.

We must remember, however, that this report solely pertains to Europe. The effects of piracy may be different in other regions, but here’s to hoping for the best outcomes.

Any thoughts on the EU Commission report? Have you pirated games in the past? Don’t tell us in the comments below.