UK Pre-Orders For SNES Mini Sold Out In Minutes

SNES Mini Prices On eBay Are Predictably High Already

Things with Nintendo collectibles always move crazy fast. The SNES Mini was announced yesterday, and already pre-orders are up on Amazon UK. Correction: Pre-orders are already sold out on Amazon UK. Thereโ€™s no word on exactly how fast they sold out, but one expects a stopwatch would have been required to discover the time in tenths of a second.

SNES Mini SNES Classic UK

To be fair, was anyone expecting anything else to happen? Nintendo could have made 10 million of these things, and scalpers would have taken it as a challenge. Curious UK buyers can head over to eBay if theyโ€™re hoping to scoop one up, although get ready for a solid 120 pounds on top of the retail price. It seems like demand is destined to exceed supply in this case, a situation made all the more dire by Nintendoโ€™s recent announcements.

Thereโ€™s supposed to be a lot more of these hot little honeys coming out in comparison to the NES Classic, but itโ€™s not going to make a difference. Why is that, you ask? Well, Nintendo decided to up the hype levels to a frothing, rabid mess by including a game thatโ€™s never been released to the public before. Star Fox 2 is going to drive sales of the SNES Classic through the roof. Immediately followed by scalper re-sales. Which will come hot on the heels of a wave of protesting fans. Itโ€™s an impossible conundrum, as the high demand is partly why the miniature console exists in the first place. The moral of the story is to scour the web for any advance notice you can find regarding when the pre-orders will begin here in North America. Donโ€™t worry, if we catch any hint of when this is happening, weโ€™ll be sure to pass the info along.