Ace Combat 7 Delayed to 2018

Ace Combat Will Also Have Non-VR Demo at E3

The aerial combat flight simulator, Ace Combat 7: Unknown Skies will be delayed from 2017 to 2018. The news comes from Ace Combat Franchise Director, Kazutoki Kono, who addressed fans in a letter on Namco Bandaiโ€™s website today.Unveiled last year at Sonyโ€™s end-year PlayStation Experience conference, the title was originally only announced for PlayStation 4, but, the title was later revealed to have a release on Xbox One and PC as well. The delay above will be affecting release dates for each platform for the game.

Ace Combat 7

โ€œWe would have loved to launch ACE COMBAT 7 at the end of 2017 as we originally intended, but doing so would compromise our goal for the game,โ€ Kono wrote. โ€œWe take our art very seriously and that means we have instead chosen to devote additional time and effort to perfect and optimize this newest chapter of the ACE COMBAT saga.โ€

Besides that, Kono shared some good news for E3 2017 attendees as there will be a new demo that will be showing off the non-VR gameplay for the upcoming game. โ€œWeโ€™ll have a lot more information and details to share with you in the coming months, starting at E3 2017 where we plan to reveal a brand-new demo showcasing one of the non-VR missions in ACE COMBAT 7 for the first time ever!โ€

If you like hammy puns, Kono also notes how the Unreal 4 Engine with current gen horsepower will literally open โ€œskies of opportunityโ€ for the gameโ€™s development. Since Ace Combat 7 will be the first title to feature VR content via PlayStation VR, it will need all the processing muscle it can muster.