Watch Dogs 2 Patch Wipes out Explicit Nudity but Seamless Multiplayer Still Down

Watch Dogs 2 Patch Arrives

A few days ago, we told you about some naked characters appearing in Watch Dogs 2 with one of them being particularly explicit. Just after the discovery, Ubisoft was forced to apologize after PlayStation 4 users reportedly had their PSN accounts banned for sharing โ€˜graphicโ€™ screenshots of naked non-player character models from Watch Dogs 2. While all that was going on the seamless multiplayer remained broken and even after the patch, the mode stills appears down. According to developer Ubisoft, the latest update (1.04) for the open world game will optimize performance and fix some bugs, but will leave the much-advertised seamless multiplayer offline.

Watch Dogs 2

The recent patch notes (seen below) focuses primarily on bug fixes for all consoles and PlayStation 4 Pro optimization. As part of the patch, Ubisoft updated the NPC model that was especially explicit. Yet all other nude male and female NPCs have remained untouched.

It was announced only a day before launch that Watch Dogs 2โ€˜s seamless multiplayer would be offline for an undisclosed period of time. According to Ubisoft, the seamless multiplayer was causing lag issues and occasional crashing across the game. While players can still invite friends to play in co-op mode, other modes like Bounty Hunter remain unavailable.

While it was estimated by Ubisoft that the fix to the seamless multiplayer struggles would come with the next update, the recent patch notes confirm that the timeline has been delayed a bit. There has been no word one way or the other when the following update will be released, however Ubisoft did say that โ€œmore info will be available soon.โ€

Check out the full patch notes below:

  • [XB1/PS4] [Bug / Glitch] Emote Wheel Swap โ€“ Bug where emotes and weapon wheel become intermixed is now fixed
  • [XB1/PS4] [Bug / Glitch] Explicit NPC Model โ€“ Weโ€™ve updated one NPC model that was previously explicit. Nudity on other male and female NPCs has not been changed
  • [XB1/PS4] [Bug / Glitch] Phone App Disappears โ€“ Some players encountered a bug causing their phone apps to disappear. The fix will recover the missing apps
  • [XB1/PS4] [Performance] Graphics / Low FPS / Nudle โ€“ Framerate during the โ€œLimp Nudleโ€ mission has been improved
  • [PS4] [Performance] Graphics / Low FPS / PRO โ€“ PS4 Pro performance should be improved with this patch