5. Civilization VI – October 21st, PC: We haven’t had a new Civilization release since 2010, and fans of the series, one of gaming’s most iconic, are getting their clicking fingers ready for Civilization VI’s upcoming drop date with glee. And for good reason – this is one franchise that has always delivered on the hype, and everything we see about the new title indicates we’re in for another classic. Although we’ve reported to you that there will be some fairly significant changes in this iteration, our hands-on with the game in our Preview left us confident that the game will be as awesome as ever when it comes out. Oh, and one more piece of good news: you won’t need a high-end rig to play it!
Well, that does it for October. Check out these 5 titles, and you’ll see why we say October is shaping up to be one of the biggest months yet for video game releases in 2016. See you next month, when we take a look at November’s video game releases!