Early No Man’s Sky Players Will Lose Their Progress
So you paid an astronomical amount on eBay to get an early copy of No Man’s Sky. You bribed your local Gamestop clerk with a foot rub and a bag of Sour Patch Kids just to experience Hello Games’ procedural wonder a few days earlier than everyone else. The smell may never wash from your hands. All that sacrifice to play No Man’s Sky and it was all for nothing because it’s all going to get wiped. Well, almost all of it.
Harry Denholm, a coder for Hello Games on No Man’s Sky, made a tweet just yesterday confirming that the servers for the game are going to be wiped this coming Sunday in prep for the launch.
Servers are being wiped on Sunday pic.twitter.com/JTmzabmU1R
— Harry Denholm (@HarryDenholm) August 5, 2016
Luckily for those who did get the game early the wipe apparently does not affect their save games, but the planets and discoveries are all going back to zero. Looks like Planet Kotaku is going to have to be recreated.
This is all in answer to a fair number of copies getting out early to consumers and some of the big sites. Sean Murray has actually urged reviewers to wait for the Day 1 patch before they start officially reviewing the game. There’s no doubt the hype train has left the station for No Man’s Sky and now the only question that remains before Tuesday is are you on the choo-choo N.M.S. Express or not?