Kirby Cafe Set To Open In Japan

Japanโ€™s Kirby Cafe Will Celebrate Everyoneโ€™s Favourite Hungry Pink Sphere

File this one directly under โ€œthatโ€™s so Japanese.โ€ Kirby, star of such classic titles as Kirby Superstar and the recently well reviewed Planet Robobot, is getting his own cafe in Japan. Thatโ€™s pretty excellent, right? Who doesnโ€™t love a rags to riches tale in which a b-list Nintendo mascot gets his (or her?) own Kirby cafe?

kirby cafe


According to the cafeโ€™s official Twitter, the Kirby Cafe will open this summer, and generally be Kirby themed. If we were betting journalists, weโ€™d expect to see a variety of bake shop items typically seen as health pick-ups in Kirby titles, a bunch of Kirby paraphenalia, and probably some custom shoutouts to Kirby mainstays like the Maxim Tomato.

Because Google Translate does a hilarious job translating Japanese, hereโ€™s one of the Kirby Cafeโ€™s tweets: โ€œStores and menu, so will deliver Essential reading for information, such as goods, we will inflate the chest to the expectations in Kirby beams, please wait for the follow-up!โ€


With our expectations marked out clearly in terms of Kirby beams, who wants to plan a trip to Japan? We know weโ€™re excited to see how our favorite hungry pink sphere makes his mark on the world of food service. Which other characters deserve a restaurant experience? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter!