The Deeds of Captain Wilkins Reminds Us We Are Done With Wolfenstein 2

The Deeds of Captain Wilkins

Once more into the bloody fray, friends. The grand, or, perhaps, lackluster finale of Wolfenstein 2โ€™s Freedom Chronicles DLC has arrived. In the concluding chapter, we fill the boots of Captain Jerry Wilkins, a former U.S. soldier remaining dedicated to Nazi extermination. With a predictable plot and all too familiar locales, I canโ€™t help but feel as though the sequelโ€™s swan song is relatively underwhelming. However, upon this DLCโ€™s release, my sentiment mirrored that of Captain Wilkinโ€™s when he gleefully spouted โ€œYou kidding? Iโ€™m always up killing Naziโ€™s.โ€

One aspect I much admire is Wilkinโ€™s โ€˜kill now, talk laterโ€™ attitude. His 80โ€™s action star persona blends impeccably within the satirical world established by Machine Games. Having received a mysterious order commanding him to stop โ€˜Black Sun,โ€™ Wilkins sets off for Alaska. Along the way you encounter three new characters; two of whom are involved in the narrativeโ€™s twist, while the third inhabits the role of the now generic Nazi commander antagonist. Iโ€™ll refrain from spoiling the story here, but what I will say is that in spite of its monotony, The Deeds of Captain Wilkins does manage to share a moderately heart-warming tale.

โ€œNazi death weapon built by Nazis, run by Nazis, and about to be covered in DEAD Nazis.โ€ If that quote doesnโ€™t paint a clear enough picture, gameplay is business as usual; and by this point, I feel Iโ€™ve had enough. Donโ€™t get me wrong, as Iโ€™ve stated multiple times in the past: Wolfenstein 2 is one of my favorite games from last year. Iโ€™ve had my fair share of fun throughout chapters one and two of the Freedom Chronicles, but firing the same weapons on recycled maps for a collective four hours has taken a toll. Though Wilkins visits the Black Sun base, Kodiak Islands, and a Nazi U-Boat throughout his ruthless adventure, itโ€™s undeniably difficult to notice significant aesthetic differences among the three. All three missions ultimately blend into what feels like a giant Nazi stronghold. And I nearly forgot to mention that Wilkins continues the trend of new characters utilizing one of the three abilities at B.J.โ€™s disposal in the main campaign. In this case, itโ€™s the Kampfwanderer, the German tech enabling you to reach higher vantage points. This dopey ability didnโ€™t interest me in the campaign, and it doesnโ€™t interest me now. Itโ€™s a rather useless tool that I forgot I had until I was forced to platform throughout various sections of each map.

Wolfenstein 2

At the very least, the voice acting is as impressive as ever, and Iโ€™m still a fan of the comic book-inspired cutscenes. Sadly, The Deeds of Captain Wilkins informed me that itโ€™s time to put Wolfenstein 2 to rest. I adored every minute I spent with Wolfenstein 2 leading up to The Freedom Chronicles completion. Each new character is interesting in their own right, and I hope they receive a cameo of some sort in the third entry of Machine Gamesโ€™ Wolfenstein series. For more on Wolfenstein 2, you can check out our full review here.

***A season pass was provided by the publisher***