Watch Dogs 2 – The First 40 Minutes
In 2014 Watch Dogs was released to relatively strong reviews (scores an 80 on Metacritic) but many felt that were the franchise to continue on that it would have to lose its main protagonist, Aiden Pearce. Despite the game itself being an enjoyable playthrough, Aiden felt stiff and downright boring. It was difficult to buy into him and his story because he just wasn’t very memorable. Fast forward to the back end of 2016 and Watch Dogs 2 is here with Marcus Holloway taking over the lead and right out of the gate you’ll notice the vibrancy he brings to the franchise.
We’re currently right in the middle of our Watch Dogs 2 review but with the seamless multiplayer locked until launch (due to some last minute hurdles) we wanted to make sure we were able to play everything the game had to offer before giving it a final score. Of course, we know that fans are excited to see what the game is all about and in lieu of our full review and accompanying video we thought we’d share the first 40 minutes or so of the game. This will definitely give you a taste of the narrative which admittedly seems to be a ton more interesting than the last go round.
The bottom line is that the brighter setting of San Francisco and the much more lively cast of characters seem to be a smart move for the series. Marcus is immediately likable as are his cohorts with a fresh sense of humor being applied in place of the darker tone set in the first game. This is obviously just the tiniest of sneak peeks into the game and there is a ton more to see and do. Look for our final review over the coming days where we go into Watch Dogs 2 in detail.
Are you excited for Watch Dogs 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!