Top 5 PlayStation 5 Games We Need to Know More About

Top 5 PlayStation 5 Games We Need to Know More About

Sony held their PlayStation 5 conference and they did not pull any punches. Kicking things off with a reveal of Spider-Man: Miles Morales and dropping bombshell after bombshell right through to the much anticipated (and highly suspected) announcement of Horizon 2: Forbidden West. With powerhouse reveals like Resident Evil 8: Village and Demon Souls peppered through-out, there remained a few games that sizzled with tantalizing teases which left us begging for more. Here are the top 5 games from the PlayStation 5 conference that we need to know more about.

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5. Goodbye Volcano High

A curious and artistic indie game, the set-up seems relatively familiar; a coming of age story about life after high school and discovering oneself. Did we mention every character is some form of creature or anthropomorphic animal? This looks like it will be a strong, emotional tale with a compelling narrative and would fit right in with games like Night in the Woods. What we didnโ€™t get, however, was a sense of the gamesโ€™ style. The trailer is presented to us in simple cartoon animation but we see nothing of gameplay. Can we expect this art style from the game? Indies always find great new ways to express themselves artistically and while I have no doubt the narrative will be engaging, the visual presentation compared to the rest of the reveal event was somewhat lacking.

4. Little Devil Inside

Itโ€™s quaint, itโ€™s lovable, and itโ€™s unique. Little Devil Inside presented us with both a modern day narrative (complete with a man pooping on the toilet) juxtaposed against a hunter of sorts fending off against some nasty critters. It showed some great comedy and interesting combat but what EXACTLY is going on here? The scene shifts repeatedly back and forth between the modern and the fantastic with no real resolution as to what is going on. Are these two shared worlds intersecting with one another? Is the older man recounting tales of his younger days as an adventurer? Little Devil Inside gives us just enough information to be curious but not enough to make up our minds quite yet.

3. Returnal

Boy are there a lot of ideas at play here. The notion of dying and repeating is not new in games (heck, Arkane Studiosโ€™ Death Loop is centered around it too!) but we canโ€™t quite figure out what Returnal is going to be. The protagonist is stuck in a loop of crashing her ship on a planet, being killed, and living through it all over again. The creatures we see on this alien world are lovecraftian and terrifying in nature โ€“ so far so good. We also see some fast paced, third person gunplay and some flashes of first person interactions. There are a lot of interesting ideas here, but how will they play out together? Not many games can nail down a first to third person transition and have it work terribly well. The concept is enticing and Returnal definitely makes use of those stellar new graphics, but why should we be invested in this game?

2. Project Athia

If ever an unknown game was to steal a show, this is it. Project Athia โ€“ which might not even be its real name โ€“ is jaw-dropping. This game was almost number one on the list (youโ€™ll see why it wasnโ€™t) for its beautiful setting, sprawling environment, and my god just what is this person up against? It looks visceral, challenging, and wildly compelling. Gameplay is reminiscent of Tomb Raider or Uncharted, but those mystical powers and unfathomable beasts left us in awe. We need to know more about this game not to make up our minds but because this truly is an example of what next-gen gaming should be and Project Athia is absolutely the one to watch for.

1. Pragmata

An astronaut is walking down an abandoned city center. He shoots a flare to see the ghostly images of where people once stood and suddenly a small blonde girl appears with a holographic cat. A satellite literally breaks the sky and everything floats upwards while the little girlโ€™s cybernetic eyes adapt the astronauts gear to save them from hitting the satellite before floating into space and landing on the moon. Now tell me 1) what is going on and 2) how do I play it. Pragmata seems to be trying very hard to rival the teaser of Death Stranding in absurdity, and while it is visually stunning nonetheless, this game had to top our list because we know nothing. Absolutely nothing. Developed by Capcom, this one is a very bold move to release as their trailer and it definitely will have people talking, but mostly because no one can figure out what it is. Hopefully they follow up soon with an announcement otherwise Pragmata might just keep drifting in space.

And there you have it, our top 5 games from the PlayStation 5 conference that we need to know more about. Were there any games you were hoping for more of? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or the Comments section below. Be sure to keep it locked on COGconnected for all things PlayStation 5.

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