Indie Spotlight
Adr1ft – 505 Games – March 28 (PC/Oculus Rift)
A first person adventure game from developer Three One Zero, Adr1ft is a perfect way to showcase the Oculus Rift. You are an astronaut floating through a zero G wreck of a destroyed space station. With no memory of what happened or how you got there it’s up the player to piece together the mystery and the escape pod to get yourself home. Said to be based on a theme of ‘action, consequence and redemption’ the developer, Adam Orth (infamous for his ‘deal with it’ comments over Xbox One’s DRM when it was announced) states that it reflects his life after resigning from Microsoft and striking out on his own. Adr1ft will eventually hit console as well but for now it belongs to the PC Master Race.
Deponia Doomsday – Daedalic Entertainment – March 1 (PC)
Talk about a game coming out of nowhere! Only a few short days ago we were all unaware this game even existed. Daedalic revealed this fourth installment in the very successful Deponia series only a week before its release and quite frankly, you should be excited for it. The biggest Deponia game yet, with an all-star voice cast headed up by the legendary Solid Snake err… David Hayter, it is a point n’ click adventure game like no other. Alongside the announcement for Deponia Doomsday came word that the series would also be making its console debut before the end of this year. If you’re an adventure game fan at all you’d be well served checking out the original three Deponia games but would probably be fine jumping straight into this one as well.
Now the only question left to ask is… what are you picking up?