Heavy Rain – Sony – March 1 (PS4)
While developer Quantic Dream is probably neck deep in development for the upcoming PS4 title Detroit: Become Human they’ve decided to take a small break and give their action adventure classic, Heavy Rain, a bit of love too. The Origami Killer is back for the PS4. Praised when it was originally released back in February of 2010, Heavy Rain inspired a flood of games in what many had considered a very dormant adventure genre. The decisions you made were impactful and the story it told kept you glued to your seat. A truly genre busting game, Heavy Rain can now be appreciated in stunning form for a new generation.
Original PS3 trailer… PS4 trailer yet to be released!
Special Mention
Mortal Kombat XL – WB Interactive – March 1 (Multiplatform)
For fairly obvious reasons (I think) we’re giving the upcoming Mortal Kombat XL the Special Mention status. Sure the game has been out for sometime now but this XL version gives us all the good stuff in one tidy package. Featuring improved online play and all of the game’s previously released DLC it is certainly the definitive edition of the well received MKX. Suit up as the Xenomorph or Leatherface to get your classic movie monster fix or go with old classics like Liu Kang and Sub-Zero. If you’re so inclined go with new classics like Cassie Cage (that ballbuster tho!) and D’Vorah. A deep roster with an even deeper display of fighting mechanics this is a must for any fan of the fighting game genre.
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