The Scariest Video Games of All Time, Proceed With Caution

10 โ€“ Five Nightโ€™s at Freddyโ€™s โ€“ Scott Cawthon

FNF is all about the jump scares, but sometimes thatโ€™s exactly what you need. A little different from most horror games, you spend your time as a night guard sitting in a room watching cameras. You can close doors, turn on lights, and view the different areas of the pizza parlor. All of this drains your battery power, which you need to last until 6 AM each night. If you can make it past night five, you win! Unfortunately, itโ€™s harder than it sounds. Can you keep track of all the animatronics and stay safe throughout the night?

9 โ€“ Resident Evil/Biohazard โ€“ Capcom

The very first Resident Evil was a new experience for most people. It was amazing for its time and maintained a good combination of jump scares and tense situations. Akin to Silent Hill, if you can play well for the first half of the game and reserve enough resources, the second half is a bit of a breeze. Unfortunately, when youโ€™re playing the first Resident Evil blind, itโ€™s easy to miss things and waste ammunition. These are the playthroughs I crave, where I just donโ€™t know if my next five shots are going to hold out long enough for me to stumble across more ammo.

8 โ€“ Outlast โ€“ Red Barrels

An abandoned insane asylum. This sounds like the perfect place to go exploring at night, right? WRONG! While admittedly the scares become a bit predictable later in the game, that doesnโ€™t ease the tension when youโ€™re being chased by a crazy man through a dark basement. Iโ€™m putting Outlast on this list because while it wasnโ€™t exactly what I thought it was going to be, it was still scary in its own right. I was scared and tense, but never so much that I had to actually stop playing.