Last of Us Part II: 8 Reasons Why We Should Be Absolutely Terrified of Ellie

She’s Tough as Nails

Ellie is unquestionably tough as nails. In the Last of Us Part II demo, she gets her ass kicked and gets shot with an arrow. Then after she is shot, you can see her yanking the blade out her of her shoulder from behind a counter in a pretty gruesome scene. Ellie is all grown up and appears to have a high pain tolerance, which makes her pretty damn resilient and strong.

She Works Well In Tight Spaces

The environments in the demo had narrow spaces with not much room to maneuver. Whether it is underneath a car, in a bush or between bookshelves, Ellie can weave some magic in cramped areas. It felt a bit claustrophobic to watch but this didn’t seem to rattle Ellie at all. In fact, it appears she works well in tight spaces as the stealth mechanics in the game appear spot on and clearly play a critical role in the game’s combat. In each of these situations, Ellie acted quickly and seemed one step ahead of the enemy. No room to move, no problem.

The Last of Us Part 2 Brutal New Trailer

She Jumps Now

One of the most aggravating features from the first Last of Us was that you could not jump. This time around you can and that’s great! In the demo, we see Ellie evade those extremists by jumping a wide gap. This jumping feature will add another layer to the combat and should add more verticality to the game. And well, that should just make Ellie that much more of a lethal weapon.

She Floats Like a Butterfly and Stings Like a Bee

Melee combat looks to be vastly improved in Last of Us Part II. In the demo we see Ellie dodge a sword and an arrow. We also see her fight while on the defensive. It all looks fluid featuring some pretty rad animations. Not to mention the enemies look like they can block and dodge as well. It should all make for a game that has a complex melee system.

So what do you think of Ellie 2.0? We are loving what we see so far. Sure a lot of the demo seems scripted; however, we have been assured it was a live demo and that the sequence of events may not unfold the same way when we eventually play the game. Regardless, Ellie is for real and is giving enemies plenty of reason to be terrified of her.