E3 2016 Predictions: Next Month’s Hottest News, Right Now

Xbox 1.1 Comes Out Of Nowhere

In a masterful bit of deception, Phil Spencer takes a few giant steps back from his ‘not a fan of Xbox 1.5’ comments by dropping a brand new, backwards compatible Xbox system. They shorted the cycle with the 360 to gain traction, and they try it again at E3 2016 with hugely upgraded hardware that leapfrogs even the Playstation Neo.

Accuracy Index: It’s a loooooong shot

Bonus: The announcement is made by J Allard and Peter Moore for some reason.

xbox press conference

EA Play Is EA’s E3 Booth In A Different Location

Pounding beats, insane light shows, and flashy spectacle as far as the eye can see. EA Play, as it turns out, is exactly like EA’s past E3 booths. Being open to the public is a pain for journalists, but the event creates a groundswell for EA’s titles among the masses. It’s generally considered a success, and this leads to further speculation about the future of the E3 show floor.

Accuracy Index: Probable

Bonus: The Battlefield 1 booth has literal trenches built to corral players waiting to try the title out.


Remaster Bonuses Are So Hot Right Now

Following in the footsteps of Infinite Warfare’s Modern Warfare bundle, developers far and wide are reaching into the vault and pulling out whatever they can find that might be relevant. A shined up Mass Effect Trilogy leads the charge, but this price inflating trend covers the show floor wall to wall.

Accuracy Index: 87.4%

Bonus: Somebody offers a remaster that no one remembers.

Modern Warfare 3

Sucker Punch Spider-Man Has All The Right Spidey Senses

It’s been quiet, too quiet. Sly Cooper developer Sucker Punch has been sticking to the shadows lately, but they finally reveal what they’ve been working on – Spider-Man. The team’s Sly Cooper pedigree fits perfectly with Spidey’s tongue in cheek humor and acrobatic skill set. This comic book style adventure draws a lot of attention on the show floor and looks set to redefine a genre overrun with Batman clones.

Accuracy Index: If I were a betting man, I’d probably bet yes.

Bonus: It’s a PS4 exclusive.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Screen 8 Head on to page 3 to see more E3 2016 Predictions from the FUTURE.