Things We Love (And Hate) About the Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Beta

The Worst

3) Spawns

During the Black Ops 4 beta it’s obvious there are some huge issues with the spawns and while it becomes predictable quite early on, there’s nothing more frustrating than having the entire enemy team spawn right behind you, as you spawn in as well. Well, actually I guess there is, it’s when you’re on a serious roll and they suddenly come in and snipe you in the back of the head. Either way, crappy spawns aren’t a surprise when it comes to Call of Duty, as it seems to be a regular occurrence, however right now I’m going to chalk this one up to a simple misstep and hope to hell that Treyarch will have this fixed by the time the game comes out in October.

2) Some Weapons Are Plain OP

So I mentioned the snipers in the point above, and the reason for that is because these weapons need to be nerfed harder than any other weapon or play style in the history of Call of Duty. Sure, this may be a bit of an exaggeration, however there’s no way the snipers should have perfect aim 100 percent of the time. Watching the best plays of the game or in the ‘death’ cams it became apparent that there is little to no recoil/sway when firing the snipers and aim assist seems to be at a cool 95 out of 100. And they’re not the only weapon class that’s overpowered. This time around the Submachine guns absolutely melt everyone in front of them, and it’s not just in close-quarters. Now I’m an SMG player majority of the time and even I have to admit it takes some of the fun out of the kills knowing that the guns are just more powerful than those using the assault rifles. As the beta is the perfect time for Treyarch to figure out which guns need to be nerfed and which need to be buffed, I’d say they have a bit of work to do in this department.

Call of Duty

1) Horrendous Load Times

Interestingly this is the first COD beta I’ve played in a while where I haven’t noticed any troubles finding a lobby or joining matches. With that said, the load times for this beta have been particularly awful. And by awful I mean tediously long. It takes 60 seconds to choose between maps once you’re in a lobby, and then another 80 to 90 seconds to actually jump into the load screen for the game. From there you’re looking at another 20 to 25 seconds to choose your specialist and class once the game has actually loaded. All together you’ve just spent almost three minutes waiting to play a game, which is basically half of a regular match. And that’s how long it takes each and every time. I think all of these times need to be halved in order to make it seem like we’re not wasting half of our game time just waiting to play. Who knows, maybe Treyarch just designed this with bathroom breaks in mind.