7 Things We Would Love to See in Rage 3

4. Modular Weapons – and Not Just Perks!

The gunplay in RAGE 2 is phenomenal; the gun sway and kickback feel nice, every shot has a satisfying boom, and you feel just as powerful as the Doom Slayer himself. Unlocking upgrade perks for each gun is a nice touch, I like having a loadout to choose from, but RAGE 3 would benefit hugely by offering a few functional cosmetic upgrades for each gun. Why not a scope? With night vision? Explosive rounds? Acidic rounds? A silencer? Fully automatic fire that empty’s the chamber? The wasteland is about survival, and to do that you need to innovate and adapt. Just like modular vehicles, RAGE 3 needs the chance to custom tweak your guns to perfection.

Open world games

3. Enhanced Bounty Missions

If I feel like dicking around and doing nothing of value, bounty missions are great: Go here, kill people, collect a minor reward. What’s not to love? Given the nature of the game and the bounty board mechanic, RAGE 3 could see a serious revamp in offering high profile targets. Instead of taking on a small gang of eight goons, what about tracking down a particularly brutal lieutenant in the game? Or what about a simplified version of the nemesis system where grunts work their way up the ranks and you need to take them down? As it stands if bounties were removed it would mean very little, but an improvement like this would add to the action without relying on narrative.

2. Deathmatch, Anyone?

Okay, I am usually greatly opposed to the notion of tacking multiplayer onto a single player game, HOWEVER, given the fact Walker feels powerful yet not invincible, has numerous potential builds, and a variety of weapon loadout options, how cool would some multiplayer be in the wasteland? Free for all, team deathmatch, capture the flag, this is a game about combat and chaos and offering up some basic loadout options to drop into the fray could be so much fun. RAGE 3 should definitely consider a multiplayer option.

rage 2

1. Those Sweet, Sweet Mods

Fallout got them. Skyrim got them. Imagine RAGE 3 fully supporting community mods. RAGE 2 is already a wild and crazy game, what with its classic-style cheat code menu to enact weird and wonderful effects, but what about something to straight up change the world? What if all the vehicles were dinosaurs? RAGE 2 is fantastic because it doesn’t take itself seriously, so imagine what the modding community could do with supported mods with a destructive wasteland at their disposal. Sarlacc pit in the desert? Rick’s Portal Gun mod? The Golden Gun? There are so many options here and RAGE 3 is the perfect playing field for community mods.

Got any other features you would like to see added to RAGE 3 whenever it is announced? Is there anything you hope gets added to RAGE 2? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or the Comments section below.