Life Is Strange 2 Is Coming to Mac & Linux in 2019

Mac & Linux Users Will Experience the Emotional Tale Next Year

Life Is Strange 2 will be available for Mac & Linux sometime in 2019, announced Feral Interactive on Monday. A trailer for the two ports can be viewed below.

Life Is Strange 2 is about two Mexican-American children, 16-year-old Sean Diaz and his 9-year-old brother Daniel, traveling from their hometown of Seattle to the hometown of their father, Puerto Lobos.

According to the game’s developer, Dontnod Entertainment, their story will take place over the course of several months and is meant to resemble a road trip.

Life is Strange 2

A full release schedule for all five episodes of Life Is Strange 2 currently hasn’t been released but the first episode launched last week and our review of it was pretty positive.

“Overall, Life Is Strange 2 was not only better than I expected, but I believe it would have been a hit even if no one had ever heard of the first game,” our reviewer wrote. “It was beautiful, with the mechanics all improved on the original and the choices more meaningful than ever.”

What do think about this game coming to the Mac & Linux next year? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.