Take Cover With Shrapnel Games’ Memorial Day Sale

Get Your Military Consim Fix With Shrapnel Games’ Massive Sale

To honor the fallen, Shrapnel Games is doing its part by running a very special sale event. From Today until the 30th of May, you can get your hands on all the wargame offerings from Sharpnel Games at a very tidy discount. If you’re a fan of a solid Military Consim title, you can do no wrong with one of these offerings. The sale lasts until May 30th, so there is ample time to take advantage of these huge sales. What better way to spend a long weekend than by playing armchair general?

Over the next two weeks, feast your eyes on some of these huge sales:



BCT Commander for $14.95. Another early ProSIM title, combined arms warfare at a brigade/regimental level around the world using ProSIM’s trademark command time gameplay.

The Falklands War: 1982 for $33.95. A conflict that has seen little action on the PC, The Falklands War: 1982 is a fascinating simulation from ProSIM. As ATF: Armored Task Force is to armor, The Falklands War is to infantry. Detailed modeling down to bayonet charges. The historical campaign is available to play, along with hypothetical variants. Simply the best game on the conflict on your computer!

Raging Tiger: The Second Korean War for $33.95. Tired of watching the news and seeing South Korea constantly being picked on by North Korea? Total warfare on the peninsula in this intense real-time strategy game of modern warfare.

Salvo! for $33.95. Relive the golden days of the Age of Fighting Sail on your desktop. Salvo! is a turn based strategy game covering an encyclopedic range of naval warfare from the 17th until 19th centuries. Take charge of vessels from England, France, the United States, Spain, and more as you battle in a full 3D world with visuals inspired from the naval art of the era. Thanks to an easy to use action system, commanding twenty vessels is as easy as commanding two.

As an added perk, if you’re actively serving in the US, or a veteran, you can get a further 10% off of all these titles. Shrapnel Games offers those who have served the chance to opt in to Shrapnel’s Savings for Scholars and Soldiers program. You can find more on the program by following this link. If you need more information on Shrapnel Games themselves, or any of the above mentioned offerings, along with many others, you can hit up their main website to find out more.