Zero Orders Tactics Playtest Is Now Available on Steam

Try Out Zero Order Tactics Right Now

The solo indie game developer Pauloondra has announced that the playtest for Zero Order Tactics is now available on Steam. Anyone can dive into it simply by going to the official Steam Page and clicking the “Request Access” button. Do not miss this opportunity to try out this unique turn-based strategy with very strict rules.

Zero Order Tactics

Zero Order Tactics is an experimental turn-based strategy game with puzzle and rouguelite elements. It draws inspiration from Into the Breach and features a unique control mechanic. You cannot command the troops in the game, however, you know the path of each unit and can change the battlefield by swapping map tiles. Manipulate terrain, swap units, and win battles without giving a single order in this puzzle tactics game.

Here are some key features:

– Manipulate the battlefield: your power is to change terrain and units. That’s how you achieve your victories
– Get stronger: get more powers and find better units and spells
– Rogue-lite: upgrade your god and unlock new ones with other playstyles

Zero Order Tactics is coming out this year and a demo is on its way to Steam as well. So, stay tuned for more updates in the future.