DOTA 2 Does the Funny
If WordPress had a wingdings font option, you can bet I’d use it here. But for now, I’ll have to set aside my desire for “show don’t tell” and just speak plainly about what’s going on. It’s very simple, really: DOTA 2 released its patch notes in 👹 👺 🤡 💩 👻 💀 ☠️ 👽.
No, really. They just went and did that. And there’s lore, too! Enjoy this plaintext, ’cause this is all it’s giving you.

“People raging about this post on Twitter should come to reddit and see how much fun this is,” one user wrote. “Great job, Valve.”
“I don’t know who’s writing these hilarious blog posts at Valve, but they’re amazing,” said another.
“Seems like a recent development, probably some new person writing these.” One person speculated. “The 7.33 notes were also pretty funny.”