Green Hell to Receive Continued Support In 2023

Staying In the Jungle 

The story of your time in the Amazon may be at an end. However, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be more to explore, do, and see in the jungle. Today, Creepy Jar is happy to announce that support for their survival sim, Green Hell, is continuing into 2023. Of course, this means players can look forward to brand new updates, with loads more content. A press release provides more info on the roadmap of Green Hell in 2023. 

Green Hell

Green Hell places players in the uncharted setting of the Amazon Rainforest. Playing as the main character, Jake, players are left to survive the darkness after barely clinging to life. Importantly, players will need to use everything at their disposal to survive. This includes, hunting, fishing, crafting, and befriending the Amazonian tribes living in the jungle. Furthermore, players can follow the whole prequal storyline of “Spirits of Amazonia” for an understanding of a the whole adventure. 

Despite the overall prequal story of Green Hell having concluded, more content is on its way. In late 2022. Creepy Jar spoke to the community of the game and asked them what they’d like to see as additional content. And Creepy Jar listened. Importantly the PC players can look forward to new animals, improved combat, better storage and transportation options, as well as, more. Additionally, console players will be receiving PC-first updates such as Animal Husbandry. Furthermore, console players will also be getting the recent building update. 

Green Hell is currently available on PC, via Steam, Xbox and PlayStation consoles. So, what are you hoping to see added to the game in the new roadmap? 

SOURCE: Press Release