Skull and Bones Launch May Have Been Leaked By Xbox Store Listing

Skull and Bones Will Launch in November, According to Leak

Skull and Bones information is still scarce up to date. However, it has recently come to light that the Ubisoft’s upcoming pirate game may come out later this year. To be exact, according to the data found on the Xbox store, the game is due for release on November 8th. 

Ubisoft has neither confirmed nor denied this information. However, Skull and Bones fans believe that the store leak seems credible. It also falls in line with previous reports about the game’s development trajectory.

skull and bones launch leaked xbox store listing

The gaming community is well aware that Skull and Bones has had some pretty rock development. With that said, information surrounding the game’s official release has continued to shift and slip internally. Multiple reports previously claimed that devs planned a closed beta test this month. However, they reportedly decided to cancel this due to quality concerns about its latest build.

Development for Skull and Bones has been quite a mess. According to multiple sources, the game’s multiple delays has been attributed to its lack of clear direction, tons of attrition, and ballooning costs. Ubisoft Singapore is at the helm of its development. They initially planned the project to be an expansion for 2013’s Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. This was before the game eventually evolved into half a dozen other types of games for almost 10 years now.

Furthermore, the last internal release schedule for the game was reportedly some time in September. This recent leak now indicates that devs delayed it once again to November. If this leak is true then the game should be out in roughly four months. Fans are hopeful yet questioning at the same time. After all, the game still has no substantial gameplay videos. “Either it is not releasing in November or it is not worth watching,” said one fan. “Let alone playing.

Are you excited for the game? Let us know in the comments below.