Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Has Gear Only Usable Above Current Level Cap

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Is Handing Out Items Above Current Level Cap

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands fans are well aware that the game drops weapons from time to time. A lot of the weaponry can only be used once players at the right level for them. It is common for an in-game mission to hand out an item that players will only be able to wield after increasing their level. 

Unfortunately, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands have started to give away items that require a level that is higher than what is currently achievable in the game.

Why drop level 43 guns if I max out at level 40?complained one fan.

tiny tina's wonderlands gear only usable above current level cap

Some Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands players got their hands on a legendary submachine gun that can shoot fire bullets. This does more damage to enemies after the players have cast a spell. Unfortunately, this weapon requires Level 43 before it can be used.

It is not possible for players to reach Level 43 since the game has a current level cap of 40. Moreover, players will probably finish the game’s main story line around level 30 or so.

However, it is best for fans to hang on to any higher level weapons they can find. After all, the level cap in previous Borderlands installments went up alongside the rollout of patches and expansions. It is worth noting that the first part of the season pass for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is due for release on April 21st.

All games do this to some degree when it is crunch time and there is unfinished content,” another fan wrote. “It is more like a pre-emptive design.”

This could just be an oversight or a glitch that allows non-wieldable items to be handed out. Hopefully, fans will be able to use that legendary fire bullet SMG soon enough—or any other weapon that is over the current level cap.

Are you playing the game? Let us know in the comments below.