Check Out What the Life Is Strange: True Colors DLC Is All About

Before the Colors

It has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs for Life Is Strange fans these past couple of days. Yesterday, Square Enix announced a delay for Life Is Strange: Remastered Collection, which contains the first game and its prequel, Before the Storm. Then, they followed it up with a delay for the Nintendo Switch version of the upcoming Life Is Strange: True Colors.

There is some good, exciting news though. Today, we are getting a look at the True Colors DLC, Wavelength, which has been established to focus on one of the characters, Steph Gingrich, who was introduced in Life Is Strange: Before the Storm.

Life Is Strange: True Colors DLC

In this DLC, Steph is a fairly new arrival to Haven Springs, like Alex will be in True Colors. This takes place before Life Is Strange: True Colors and will explore Stephโ€™s life as the DJ and radio host at Haven Springsโ€™ Rocky Mountain Record Traders. According to this trailer, the story will take place over four distinct seasons.

During Wavelengths, you will be helping out Steph as a radio host by selecting dialogue options to ad lib, choose songs for playlists, and even writing an original song. You will also be playing her tabletop game and reconnecting with Mikey, who was also introduced in Before the Storm.

The soundtracks of the Life Is Strange series are usually very prominent in the games, so Wavelengths is going to have its own set of songs playing throughout the DLC.

Life Is Strange: True Colors will be coming out on September 10th for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Stadia, and will be coming to Nintendo Switch before the end of 2021. Wavelengths will be available on September 30th for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Stadia, and will be out on Nintendo Switch at a later point.

Will you be getting this DLC? Let us know in the comments below.