Moderately Okay Cosplay Feature
There’s no better way to start off the week than with a cosplay feature! This week we are featuring the talented Moderately Okay Cosplay, who, let me tell you, is much more than just moderately okay. This Floridian cosplayer, John, has an impressive repertoire of cosplays under his belt, ranging from anime to comic book to video game characters. And let me tell you, he knocks it out of the park every time! Check out some of our favorite photos of his!
Spike Spiegel – Cowboy Bebop
V – Devil May Cry 5
Want to check out even more awesome cosplay?
Why don’t you check out our features for Krash Cosplay, Enji Knight, and this Buzzfeed Death Note Parody.
Click over to PAGE 2 for more great cosplay…