Changes Are Coming to Two of Dead by Daylight’s Obsession Perks

Why Are You So Obsessed With Me?

This time around, it’s the survivors getting angry thanks to changes – both proposed and confirmed – to two of Dead by Daylight‘s most beloved survivor perks, both of which are in the category of obsession perks – powerful boons that have a chance of marking you as the obsession while opening unique interactions with the killer. Unfortunately, killers also have obsession perks of their own, with powerful effects such as gaining speed for letting the obsession escape or even killing the obsession immediately during endgame.

You can see what’s changing around the 41.30 mark in the above video, but here’s the lowdown.

Firstly, the perk that’s getting confirmed changes: Decisive Strike. This powerful perk is designed to help protect survivors against tunneling by giving them the chance to escape the killer if they’re downed and picked up within sixty seconds of being unhooked, leaving the killer stunned for five seconds. This is often seen as overpowered within the killer community, especially since some players opt to use this more offensively, letting them complete objectives while in close proximity to the killers knowing that they can’t be stopped unless the killer is willing to eat a hefty stun.

After the changes, Decisive Strike will deactivate as soon as the survivor advances any objective – such as cleansing totems or fixing a generator – forcing survivors to focus on escaping and returning Decisive Strike to its intended status as a last chance escape perk. Unfortunately, as you can see in reddit threads like this one, survivor mains aren’t happy at the rework of one of their most powerful tools, complaining that the game is too killer-sided.

Now, for the proposed change: This time, the perk in the firing line is Object of Obsession, which allows the player using it to see the killer’s aura at any time outside of a certain distance, at the expense of having their own aura revealed. This perk is especially popular with teams due to the fact that the obsession can keep an eye on the killer at all times, guiding their teammates around the map to avoid them. Under the proposed change the player will see the killer’s aura whenever the killer sees theirs, as well as having their aura revealed intermittently through the match. While still a valuable perk for gathering information, it addresses some common killer complaints regarding the perk, while boosting the challenge for survivors who use it.

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