New Dead by Daylight Trailer Shines a Spotlight on the New Characters

Don’t Kick the Goddamn Baby

It’s fair to say that the new Dead by Daylight killers has launched what, in some circles, is called a fountain of memes. The killers are Charlotte and Victor, a pair of conjoined twins, albeit with Victor being much smaller, approximately the size of a toddler. Their power, Blood Bond, lets them separate, putting players in control with Victor as he attacks and incapacitates survivors, or leaving him behind as a motion detector. The flipside of this mechanically unusual power is that Victor is… well, the size of a baby, hence hundreds of memes ranging from the obvious South Park references to jokes about Charlotte yeeting a child. It’s easy not to take the new duo seriously, but a new trailer showcases just how terrifying the duo can be in the right hands, as well as their various perks.

Their perks are:

Oppression: When you damage a generator, up to three other generators begin regressing, and any survivors fixing those generators will face a difficult skill check.

Hoarder: Generate more chests, which produce items of lower rarity, and receive notifications when anyone searches them.

Coup de Grace: Every time a generator is repaired, receive a token. For each token, increase your lunge distance by up to 60%.

New survivor Elodie is a young woman who’s spent her life researching the mysterious disappearance of her parents, and comes with three perks of her own:

Appraisal lets her search for items in chests that have already been searched.

Power Struggle lets her free herself from the killer’s grip if carried past a pallet

Deception lets her slam a locker door without entering it and erases her scratchmarks for a few seconds, giving her valuable time to escape.

The new perks lend themselves well to a variety of different builds, and with future updates planned – such as a unique locker interaction for Victor, letting him trap survivors inside them, giving Charlotte the chance to reach them and drag the screaming survivor to the hook – there’s going to be a lot of opportunities for both fun and terror when the new chapter launches next month.

Unfortunately, the new chapter doesn’t come with a new map- something that happened with the last chapter, Descend Beyond. Given that Dead by Daylight has been investing a lot of time in some big graphical improvements, that makes a lot of sense – but it’s a sad ommission considering The Blight ties so heavily into the game’s lore, and that Elodie’s parents disappeared in the same event as that chapter’s survivor, Felix, lost his father in. Given that we’re getting such a heavy focus on the game’s lore lately, perhaps we’ll see a future map devoted to multiple killers? Well, we’ll need to wait to find out.

What do you think of the twins? Let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or on Facebook.

Source: YouTube