Over 2 Million Raised By Summer Games Done Quick 2020

Not Bad For An Online Only Event

Summer Games Done Quick 2020 has wrapped up, and the donations have been tallied. A total of 2.3 million was raised for Doctors Without Borders, which is pretty good! It doesnโ€™t beat last yearโ€™s total of 3 million, but itโ€™s a fantastic haul for an online only event.

awesome games done quick

Something essential is missing when the crowds arenโ€™t audible in the background, cheering on a speedrunnerโ€™s every move. Thereโ€™s an alchemy thatโ€™s absent, but the pure artistry of the run remains intact. If you missed this weekโ€™s proceedings, worry not! SGDQ was kind enough to collect a whole bunch of clips on their YouTube channel. These runs represent a slice of the amazing feats that occurred over the last seven days.

ShinyZeni blew through Super Metroid in just over an hour, while Limcube took down The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in an hour and a half. There were also some races, with four different speedrunners taking on Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels in less than an hour. If youโ€™re looking for a more modern run, BloodShot9001 takes on DOOM Eternal in 90 minutes. Or, you can check out something truly weird, like this Night Trap run by Ecdycis. If this rundown doesnโ€™t appeal to you, donโ€™t worry! There are dozens of other videos on the SGDQ channel. Itโ€™s truly a rich harvest of gaming talent.