Fan Recreates PT in Dreams Beta

PT Lives On in Our Dreams

Despite its removal from the PlayStation Store in 2015, PT โ€” the playable teaser for the now-cancelled Silent Hills โ€” has managed to live on through various fan creations (such as this one). As the headline reads, the latest remake has been created in the beta for Media Moleculeโ€™s Dreams.

A fan, who goes by Sergeant Bike, on Twitter posted the short clip of his creation. While it might lack realistic textures and the detail of the original, this is still an incredible achievement. This version of PT still has the memorable hallway lined with creepy photos and the ominous right-turn. Missing is the spooky Lisa ghost figure that haunts the hallway.

As cool as this is, one of the Dreams designers, Christopher Villedieu, saw the clip and nudged Sergeant Bike to take it down because it violates the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) for Dreams. While we werenโ€™t able to look up the details of the NDA, we suspect it might have something to do with not copying an existing work.

โ€œMan, as much as love this creation (did you made it?), our NDA is pretty clearโ€ฆplease remove it for now,โ€ replied Villedieu on Twitter. Villedieu has since gotten some blowback from other people stating MM should let this one slide.


In case you donโ€™t know, Dreams is an upcoming PS4 exclusive from the makers of Little Big Planet. Itโ€™s incredibly ambitious in that takes the design and creation aspect of their previous work to new and crazy levels. Players, essentially, are given the systems and toolkits to make their own games. This is but just one example of how powerful these tools are, but Media Molecule has stated that the sky is the limit when it comes to creating your own games.

Are you participating in the Dreams beta as well? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.