Capcom Keeps the Trailers Rolling: Live Action Resident Evil 2 Trailer

You Think Theyโ€™ll Drop a Trailer on Release Day, too?

The remake of Capcomโ€™s classic Resident Evil 2 comes out tomorrow. It seems like every day for the past month, Capcom has been doing things to remind fans that the game is finally upon us. The 1-Shot demo, the announcement of Bonus modes, the Interactive Trailer, Ghost Survivors mode, the Launch Trailer released yesterday, and now, a day before the release, a live action Resident Evil 2 trailer. Personally, Iโ€™m almost expecting a new trailer next week as well.

Resident Evil 2 Trailer

The trailer is just a minute and a half, and like the interactive trailer, shows Leon and Claire meeting for the first time, again. It even has the โ€œGet down!โ€ *ducks* *shoots zombie* moment weโ€™ve seen in recent trailers. Other than that moment, we see Leon Kennedy approaching an abandoned police cruiser and reaching for the radio before being attacked by a crowd of zombies. Claire Redfield is seen searching high and low for something, also before being chased by zombies.

This live action trailer isnโ€™t just a thing Capcom wanted to do, it is actually a throwback to the original Resident Evil 2โ€™s live action trailer. This was not seen on TV in North America, only in Japan, but zombie-movie godfather George Romero directed it after the success of Capcomโ€™s RE1. The exclusive Japanese release of the trailer was a request of the actor who played Leon Kennedy, Brad Renfro. It also features some sweet bass-heavy 90s suspense music. Well, the Resident Evil 2 remake comes out tomorrow, on January 25th on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

What do you think of the live action trailer? Have you been enjoying Capcomโ€™s flurry of RE2 promotions? Let us know in the comments below. And keep up to date with all our Resident Evil news on our site.

Source: Screen Rant