Halo-Themed Prosthetic Arm Releasing Next Year

Providing Young Heroes With The Power of the Master Chief

343 Industries and Limbitless Solutions have revealed a new Master Chief-inspired 3D-printed prosthetic arm set to release next year.

Halo Master Chief Prosthetic

343 detailed the collaboration in a news post earlier today, stating that Limbitless will be offering two options based on Master Chiefโ€™s armor including a โ€œrecreation of the Master Chiefโ€™s own legendary Mk. VI armor,โ€ as well as a โ€œmultiplayerโ€ variant that allows for personal customization.

If youโ€™re unfamiliar with Limbitless Solutions, theyโ€™re a non-profit organization that creates prosthetic limbs for children using 3D printing started by students from the University of Central Florida. The prosthetic arms come complete with gripping and gesturing functionalities, and Limbitless donates them free of charge to those in need. Back in 2015 the organization provided a young boy with an Iron-Man themed arm delivered by Robert Downey Jr. himself.

In other recent Halo news, 343 went out of their way to insist that Halo Infinite is indeed Halo 6, and recently stated that they have no interest in including a battle royale mode in the sequel. All main series Halo titles are currently available through Game Pass on Xbox One. Let us know what you think of the collaboration with Limbitless in the comments!

SOURCE: 343 Industries