Check Out Unravel Two For Free For The Next Month

Yarn-tastic Adventures Await

Unravel Two was one of EAโ€™s most pleasant surprises during this yearโ€™s E3. A brand new game thatโ€™s also out right this second? Sign me the heck up. Apparently, EA and ColdWood Interactive werenโ€™t done being super cool just yet, as you can now try out the first two chapters of the game for free.

unravel two top

Admittedly this is something of a small concession, as you only have ten hours of play time once the free trial is downloaded. Yet itโ€™s more than I would expect from most AAA publishers in this day and age. As someone who has never personally indulged in the yarned-up world of Unravel, a freebie like this one is pretty enticing.

Between now and July 30th, players can download the free trial on either PC, PS4 or Xbox One. Once you do so, youโ€™ll have ten hours to explore the gameโ€™s first two chapters. The Open Trial, as itโ€™s called, can be played in either single player or two-player co-op. While I never got any hands-on time with this game during E3, this seems like a super convenient way to remedy this problem. If you like the demo, you can get the full game I guess? Once again, a rock-solid upside to the announcement/release combo attack method.

SOURCE: Press Release