Getting New GTA Online Rewards Is as Easy as Logging In

Rockstar Is Offering Bonuses as a Precursor to the Nightlife DLC

From now until July 3rd, Rockstar Games promises in-game rewards to anyone who logs into GTA Online. This bonus comes in anticipation of the upcoming Nightlife DLC, which is free and promises new revenue streams for players.

If you log into GTA Online before July 3rd, you will be featured on the โ€œGuest List,โ€ which brings its own batch of rewards, such as โ€œLiveries, new T-shirts, key discounts and weekly bonus GTA$.โ€ Afterward, we can expect new details on what exactly the latest nightlife DLC will be. Until then, players can take advantage of the new list of discounts on business and vehicles available throughout Los Santos. Right now, Biker Clubhouses and businesses are 50% off through July 2nd.

Per usual, certain missions will offer double rewards and XP. This weekend brings double GTA$ on Smugglerโ€™s Run, Biker Business, and Special Cargo Sell Missions. Apparently, the stipulation is that you have to be a Smuggler, Biker or CEO.

However, the game mode that doesnโ€™t have prerequisites to earn TRIPLE XP and GTA$ (you read that right) is Motor Wars. Players who fancy themselves some roadside PvP need look no further. Right now, the experience is offering double XP and cash. Starting on June 29th, the rewards will be tripled.

Last but not least, here are the discounts on GTA Online properties:

  • Hangars โ€“ 50% off
  • Executive Offices โ€“ 50% off
  • Special Cargo Warehouses โ€“ 50% off
  • Vehicle Cargo Warehouses โ€“ 50% off
  • Biker Clubhouses โ€“ 50% off
  • Biker Businesses โ€“ 50% off
  • Facilities โ€“ 40% off

Until July 2nd, the following vehicles will be available at 30% off:

  • Mammoth Avenger
  • Mobile Operations Center
  • Vapid GB200
  • Grotti X80 Proto
  • Imponte Ruiner 2000


As always, you need a copy of Grand Theft Auto V to participate in GTA Online.

SOURCE: Press Release