New Death Stranding Footage Is Another Kojima Puzzle
Hideo Kojima has delivered yet another cryptic preview of his peculiar yet highly anticipated Death Stranding. This time, however, we received a clear-cut dose of gameplay. The footage places us back in the shoes of Norman Reedus’s character, Sam.
During the gameplay demo, we’re taken on a long trek showcasing the visual range of Guerrilla Games’ Decima Engine adapted by Kojima Productions. The player character (Sam), apparently, fills the role of a courier transporting strange packages (hinted in The Game Awards Trailer). The anomalous cargo serves as the purpose of the adventure. Down the line, we’re introduced to an all-new character. View it all in Sony’s E3 footage below, displayed in 4K.
Do you understand what the game is about yet? Neither do I. This marks the fourth trailer we’ve witnessed since the first E3 2016 announcement. As we speak, internet decoders are endeavoring to decipher the footage and narrative we’ve seen thus far. Being the incredibly subtle and intricate creator that he is, Kojima has no doubt forged a meaning behind the various features in the background. Anything with lettering, like the jacket worn by our new female character, usually has a broader meaning in regards to the story.
Then, there are the four messages:
Give me your hand in Life…
Give me your hand in Death…
Give me your hand in Flesh…
Give me your hand in Spirit.
Last but not least, we were reintroduced to the strange, invisible creatures that hunt Sam throughout his journey. Despite Kojima’s claim that this is not a horror game, it certainly feels like one. These predatory NPCs remain a mystery but it’s clear they profoundly affect the player’s progress. Hopefully, hopefully, we’ll understand more as Death Stranding updates come our way.
SOURCE: Sony E3 Press Briefing