Take A Surreal Journey to Colonial India This Summer

Like A Storybook You Can Wander Around In

If I’m going to get excited for any sort of walking simulator, it needs to be either crazy or beautiful. Under A Porcelain Sun appears to be both? The game promises to suck you into a surreal vision of colonial India, which apparently involves giant stone noses and forests of CRT televisions. Consider me sold!

Under a Porcelain Sun Colonial India

The developer, Studio Oleomingus, has a sort of pedigree built from games just like this one. In fact, as a sort of teaser, their previous game is being released on Steam for free! A Museum of Dubious Splendors is available right now on Steam. This one looks like exactly what the title suggests. Between the two trailers it appears that Museum is a good primer for the sort of visual storytelling that Oleomingus is bringing with Porcelain sun this summer.

Currently Porcelain Sun is set for release this summer. Personally, this nebulous release date can’t get here fast enough. The world can always use more esoteric exploration titles. Feel free to check out the trailer below, though it’s unlikely the game will make much more sense afterwards. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

SOURCE: Press Release