New Battlefield 1 Content Incoming; Free Trial Commences

EA DICE Promises Major Battlefield 1 Update for 2018

The road ahead is paved with blood, sweat, and bullets, especially with more Battlefield 1 content incoming. EA is promising more DLC for 2018 and is granting access to Season Pass content via a free trial. Hereโ€™s the lowdown.

From January 16th to January 22nd, anyone and everyone on Battlefield 1 will be able to storm the Gallipoli map via the Turning Tides DLC. Additionally, all players shall be granted temporary access to In the Name of the Tsar and They Shall Not Pass maps. No purchase required. The trial period is going a step further by letting players participate in the North Sea Campaign; Zeebrugge and Heligoland Bight maps will be available, where players can enter the C-Class Warship and engage in new amphibious warfare. Last but not least, the free trial will grant base-game owners access to the Prise de Tahure night map. Naturally, itโ€™s your one shot to test night combat for the first time.

To read up more on Battlefield 1, you can visit the EA blog here. Also, you can find more details about the upcoming Turning Tides DLC on our dedicated post. The free trial period is just EA DICEโ€™s way of gearing up for the inevitable info dump for Battlefield 1 Apocalypse. No details have been released, but 2018 promises some interesting updates. Stay tuned.

Happy gaming.