Evil Within 2 Sees No PS4 Pro Support but Is Still Xbox One X Enhanced

PS4 Pro Boost Mode Is Still Available

It is a novel time we live in, a time where we have mid-generation console upgrades. As you might imagine, developers are constantly facing the question of whether or not to utilize the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X enhanced features. Well, The Evil WIthin 2 is currently available and does not offer PS4 Pro support.

The Evil Within 2

Interestingly enough, The Evil Within 2 is still listed as Xbox One X enhanced. Youโ€™ll discover as much on the official game page. Since the Xbox One X launches next month, it may be that Bethesda Softworks is delivering better features across both mid-tier consoles simultaneously. Of course, weโ€™re still talking about two platforms with very different specs.

As is frequently the case, PS4 Pro Support may come later. It was the same with Prey, another title under the Bethesda name. But once again, owners of the tougher hardware will have to play the waiting game.

Speaking of hardware, however, itโ€™s hard to imagine the game arriving for the Nintendo Switch unless Bethesda outsources to another studio. The lack of a Switch port would be no surprise, normally. But this is Bethesda weโ€™re talking about; the same people who went out of their way to deliver SkyrimDOOM, and Wolfenstein II to the portable console.

The Evil Within 2 is developed on the Stem Engine, a customized version of the id Tech Engine. Currently, the game will see some framerate drops that can only be offset by the PS4 Proโ€™s boost mode. That is the one enhancement the console currently boasts. Be sure to check back for when possible game enhancements do arrive. Until next time,

Happy gaming.