Hi-Fi Rush Gets Arcade Challenge in Free Update

Crank the Tempo

A few weeks ago, Bethesda Softworks announced and detailed a new update coming to Hi-Fi Rush. That update launched yesterday, opening up a whole new level of challenge and set of rewards for players. Arcade Challenge adds an arcade cabinet to Chai’s hideout with two new challenge modes.

BPM Rush is a gauntlet mode. Chai fights waves of enemies that get progressively more challenging. The central element of BPM Rush is the tempo. The farther you get, the faster your game goes. When your game gets faster, Chai can attack faster. Can you keep up with 200 BPM?

Hi-Fi Rush

The second game mode is Power Up! Tower Up! This one has some roguelike elements to it. Chai starts off completely depowered. With all your stats turned down to zero, you will gain more power and perks as you complete waves of enemies.

Both of the new modes in Hi-Fi Rush will introduce enemies that you have not encountered in the base game. Playing and completing waves in these challenge modes will also unlock new cosmetics. This update also adds a photo mode with various filters available to use.

Hi-Fi Rush is available now for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. It is available on Game Pass as well.

Have you been looking for another reason to play more of this game? Let us know in the comments below.