The New Sounds From The Gears of War 4 Xbox One S Are Awesome
A week ago we told you about the leaked Limited Edition Gears of War 4 Xbox One S Bundle and the following day all the big boys in green confirmed it. Not only did they confirmed it but they put it up for preorder. Today, Microsoft released a new video showcasing the sexy limited edition Gears of War 4 Xbox One S. The video also showcases the three controllers related to the game, including two regular controllers ones and an Elite controller.
The video below also reveals the sounds that will play from the console when you turn it on and off. You also get new sounds when you eject the disk. You can also see a bit on how the console was made, showing a glimpse on the rather fiery laser etching process.
In the video, Major Nelson speaks with Rod Fergusson from the Coalition and Monique Chatterjee from the design team about how the Gears of War 4 Limited Edition Bundle came to be, including all the digital content you receive with the bundle and behind-the-scenes info on designing this one-of-a-kind console.
What do you think of this console? Will you pre-order it? Tell us in the comments below.