Win Dark Souls III for Xbox One from COGconnected

One Lucky Gamer Will Win Dark Souls III

Who doesnโ€™t love a good contest every now and then? Your friends here at COGconnected sure do and we want to give you a shot to win Dark Souls III for the Xbox One. Itโ€™s super easy to enter and you can enter as many times as youโ€™d like to increase your chances. Contest will close on May 7, 2016 and the winner announced shortly after. Dark Souls III released only a couple of days ago in North America to rave reviews. You wouldnโ€™t want to miss out on your chance to play one of the best rated games so far this year so check out all the details below.

Win a copy of From Softwareโ€™s Dark Souls III.

Download code available to North America only.

Contest open to residents of Canada and the US only. in Polls and Contests on LockerDome

Check out our official review and be on the lookout for some upcoming tips and tricks articles too.

Win Darks Souls III screen

Hereโ€™s a bit of what our own Scott Sullivan had to say about From Softwareโ€™s latest:

Dark Souls 3 is a gargantuan step up from Dark Souls 2 in terms of design. Itโ€™s odd that I find myself looking forward to the DLC they plan to put out, especially before the game even launched. Yet, seeing how well put together Dark Souls 3 is, I am eagerly looking forward to even more content to mess around with, although Iโ€™ll have a hard time getting bored of whatโ€™s already in place. From Software has included a lot for players to mess around with, and between the various armor sets, locations, weapons and enemies to get acquainted with, Dark Souls 3 is one behemoth of a game that could stand at the top of the entire series in terms of quality.